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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/23 06:19:43
A: Speaking and listening have always been a big obstacle to any students. That is why I think English classes should spend more times on practising these skills.
B: I couldn't agree more. In my experience practise is the best way to improve these two skills. A few months ago I found 2 Americans on skype. Talking with them have not only augmented my English but I have also learn a lot about the western culture.
C: I believe that B has taken a great initiative. Talking to native speakers it a very efficient way to get better in English. Not only what speaking concerns, but also listening. Those two are hight interconnected and therefore the journey of improving speaking always pay of in listening as well.
A: Thank you for your advices B and C. I think that I can safely conclude that the only way to improve speaking and listening skills is practice. I recommend to go to a whole English environment, The UK for instance, for the optimus results.
A: Using the internet for studying is probably the newest development in the educational system. Yet there are certainly valid argument for the contrary, I personnally believe that their is no harm at all using the internet for studying. The internet presents the whole world and all the information on it at our fingertips. A lot of time is saved as we don't have to run up and down the library all the time.
B: You have made an interesting point A. Though I agree with you on the fact that internet does made conducting knowledge much faster. I have by no means made it easier. There are a lot of materials online which are from unreliable source and are misleading for the students. As those younsters are still learning, it is both energy-consuming and misleading for any student. Instead they should search library shelfs for conducting knowledge.
A. I can see where you are heading, but I would like to point out that the ability of filtering information is also very important in further carriers. So, the internet just happens to present them an oppertunity to practise.
C: I think you both have strong arguments. However as you both are looking from the students point of view, I like to spreak for the sake of the teachers. The upcoming internet-studying-culture just made piracy a lot more easy and difficult to control. However, the internet does allow teachers present their students with many usefull visual material which should be beneficial to the learning process.
A: AIDS have killed and destroyed many lives on earth. How come?
B: I think what made AIDS so scary is the fact that it is contagious. The HIV-virus can be hidden in once body for up to 10 years and many people are not aware that they are ill and infects others. Not to mention that there are a vast amount of society-haters who infect people on purpose.
A: Thanks for your explanation B. There is also no cure for aids and to see yourself of your loveones health to decrease must be deviastating.
C: In order to prevent the horrible things you two have stated. I believe that the government has to take drastic measurements preventing the spreading of aids. Firsty, there should be lessons given to children concerning aids. Secondly, they have to advertise aids-preventions in public places. thirdly, there should be better healthcare institutes to help aids patients.
A: What a good idea C. I recommend them to start with the fact how aids could spread. It spread through blood, for instance, of sexually. This way people could be careful to no be infected.
C: Thank you for your support. What do you think B?
B: I think a free HIV-test once a year could really help. This will not only help prevent the contamination but also help the patients on time.